In violent computer and computer games, the child player needs to perform acts of violence to achieve the end goal of the game (for example to use an electronic gun to kill opponents). The child is actively encouraged to identify with the aggressive hero and to rehearse aggressive acts, and is rewarded for doing so. The person who is best at the violence wins.
What is the likely impact on children of playing such games
teachers and child developmentalists tell us that children learn better by doing than watching; it could be argued that a child playing a violent computer and video game will learn the success of being violent from those games.
being rewarded for performing violence is likely to increase the impact.
violent computer and video games teach skills in "point and shoot" techniques. The games can help in overcoming the natural reluctance that most people feel in pointing at and shooting another human being.
research is now starting to show that playing violent games increases the child’s willingness to use violence to solve conflict. Recent reviews of the research literature reveal that violent video games increases aggressive behaviour in children and young adults. (Anderson, C A & Bushman, Brad, 2001; Unsworth, G & Ward T ,2001; Australian Psychological Society, 2000) See related topic
Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence: Craig Anderson answers FAQsWhat can parents do
help children avoid computer games which have a focus on violence
choose games that have positive themes (See related topic
Choosing good computer games)
help children understand and use the classification system, and choose games that are classified G or G8. (See related topic
Classification—computer games)
place the computer in a public area of the house and not in the child’s bedroom; join in sometimes
place limits on the amount of time with screen based media. Children need time for other activities in the real world.
Anderson. Craig A and Bushman, Brad (2001) "Effects of violent video games on aggressive behaviour, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and pro-social behaviour: a meta-analytic review of the scientific literature"Psychological Science vol. 12.